Grammar Level Program

An Education in Goodness & Wonder

Younger children possess an extraordinary capacity for wonder and delight in discovery. We seek to nurture this ability to absorb, memorize, and marvel at the world around us. During this stage, children are not just passive recipients of information but active, enthusiastic explorers driven by an innate curiosity.

Falling in Love with Learning

The goal isn't just to collect information but to nurture a fundamental attitude toward learning—one of excitement, openness, and intrinsic motivation. By honoring the God-given capacity for wonder, Legacy Classical Academy seeks to cultivate not just knowledgeable individuals but lifelong learners who approach the world with curiosity, joy, and a sense of perpetual discovery.

Leading Families Through a Classical Education

Legacy offers two on-campus days for tutor-led instruction and community engagement.

Students receive a work-at-home guide designed to be followed on the three parent-led home instruction days.


Schedule a tour today and discover how Legacy Classical Academy can support your educational journey.