Legacy offers two on-campus days for tutor-led instruction and community engagement.
Students receive a work-at-home guide designed to be followed on the three parent-led home instruction days.
An Education in Goodness & Wonder
In the Grammar stage, children possess an extraordinary capacity for wonder and delight in discovery.
An Education in Loving Truth & Reasoning
During the Logic stage, students begin to harness their growing capacity for analytical thinking and their natural inclination to question and debate.
An Education in Beautiful Expression
The Rhetoric stage is the blossoming of classical education, as students learn how to think, write, and speak beautifully.
Unlike the hurried, task-oriented education that is common today, scholé learning encourages a more thoughtful and integrated process in which students deeply engage with material.
As a scholé community, we:
prioritize understanding and wisdom over information acquisition
emphasize restful, contemplative education focused on deep understanding and wisdom
encourage students to learn at a measured pace, fostering a love for truth and beauty
Learning ought to be preparation for a life well lived, not merely preparation for college or a career.
We heartily believe that the heartbeat of genuine learning is life-long—a continuous journey that extends far beyond the classroom and formal schooling. Convinced of this we:
emphasize the holistic education of a student’s mind, body, and soul—preparing them not just for a career but for life
encourage curiosity and discovery as these tributaries often flow into deeper and wider channels of learning
What Does Your Family Value?
Take a moment to read through the brief summaries and consider how our values align with your educational goals. Every family that chooses to partner with Legacy should be able to affirm these statements.
EDUCATION IS MORE THAN MERELY ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE -- We value education, which is the process of soul formation involving pursuing rightly ordered loves/virtues, culture, and affections.
SUPPORT SCHOOLING AT HOME -- We and our children are excited and supportive of a homeschool education.
VALUE EXCELLENCE We value the pursuit of excellence in academics.
DESIRE TO LEARN LONG-LOST CLASSICAL THEMES -- We desire to learn with our students, face-to-face and side-by-side, and become conversant about long-forgotten classical themes in the Great Conversation, including Truth, virtue, Providence, the nature of God and man, etc. We enjoy engaging in age-appropriate, deep conversations with our children, grappling with complex real-world topics and issues resulting from man's fallen nature. We aim to teach them how to think Biblically and respond in obedience to God’s word.
VALUE READING LITERATURE -- We prioritize and enjoy reading aloud as a family, knowing the most significant life-impacting benefits come from reading and learning from God’s Word (Psalm 127). We often place quality literature, with rich vocabulary and content, in front of our children. We also demonstrate the value of continuing education through our personal reading and devotion to learning from Scripture.
VALUE HABITS, RHYTHM, AND A RESTFUL APPROACH IN HOME AND SCHOOL -- We intentionally consider habits, rhythms, and practices that help us pause, reflect upon, and think clearly and rightly about God, His truth, and our world.
VALUE AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO LEARNING -- We support a Christian Humanities Core approach, with thinking across all subjects and Providential History at its core.
RECOGNIZE ALL WORK IS FOR THE GLORY OF GOD -- We recognize that academic challenges produce humility by providing opportunities for character development, virtue training, and spiritual growth - all to the Glory of God.
RECOGNIZE THE INVESTMENT -- We recognize that classical Christian education is worth the financial investment.
EXPECT A FOUR-YEAR UPPER-LEVEL EDUCATION We value four years at the Rhetorical level as a time for soul formation and are not looking for early graduation.
VALUE LIKE-MINDED PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT -- We are willing to honor one another above ourselves and appreciate engagement in our children's lives that helps to model Christian living in community. We recognize that every community is composed of imperfect people who fail occasionally; forgiveness, repentance, and restoration must be offered and pursued in grace and love (Matthew 18).
RESPECT DIVERSE PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS -- We welcome the diverse Protestant denominations and respect the differences in doctrinal differences. We remain united on the foundations of the Christian faith as listed under the Statement of Faith.
COMMITTED TO LOCAL CHURCH -- We belong to a Christian, Bible-believing church and are committed to regular worship as a family, seeking membership if available.
SUPPORT GOD’S CREATED ORDER -- We recognize the importance of nature as it was originally designed in the Garden of Eden and continually guide our children in observing and appreciating the design, power, and beauty of God’s created order.